Tuesday, June 30, 2009

151. CALA Introduces Dr. Wang's Research

CALA Newsletter
Chinese American Librarians
Association Newsletter
N O . 1 0 0 S P R I N G 2 0 0 9

CALA Newsletter (ISSN:0736-8887) is the official publication of the Chinese American Librarians Association. The CALA Newsletter is published twice a year in Spring and Fall. URL:http://www.cala-web.org/publications/newsletter. In the recent issue, The Issue 100, Spring 2009, the Newsletter introduces Dr. Wang's achievements in his study of the founding fathers and traditional Chinese civilization:

Dave Wang’s findings in the subject of the United States founding fathers and Chinese Civilization have attracted tremendous attention in the academic world. He has been invited to present his papers at international forums and conferences at New York, USA, Rome, Italy, and Lisbon, Portugal and some Universities in China. His publications on traditional Chinese civilization and the United States have been recommended by the History Education Counsel of Hawaii State to be used as teaching texts in American History classrooms. This significant and clear endorsement
indicates that his research has contributed to the education of younger generation in their studies of American history.

In the following, you will find the statement from Mr. Jeffrey Mead, the President of History Education Counsel of Hawaii, allied with the National History Education Counsel: "Dr. Wang's research and publications are recommended for Hawaii's history classrooms and for historians and history buffs in general. His insights on Chinese influences on the Founding Fathers of the United States should spark curiosity and discussion. We look forward to having Dr. Wang to speak in Hawaii." You could read more about his work through the following links:
Honolulu Advertiser:
Hawaii Reporter.com:
His research was also reported by New York Times. On January 29, 2009, New York Times introduced his research on Benjamin Franklin and China. You could find it through the following link
http://ideas.blogs.nytimes.com/2009/01/29/franklin-and-china/. The editors believe that his research is" the most interesting writing we've come across lately on the Web".

Dr. Wang’s lecture schedule for 2009 is as below. He will make the presentation on Benjamin Franklin and the Great Wall of China in London in April 2009; more information on the lecture can be found from the following link, http://www.lecturelist.org/content/view_lecture/6359
Thomas Jefferson and Chinese Architecture in Monticello in early June; George Washington and the
China Trade
in Salem in the late June; Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson and Chinese Classics in Las Vegas in July and the U.S. founding fathers and Chinese Culture in Beijing in September.
The influence of Dr. Wang’s study of Chinese civilization and the development of the United States also reached China in this Internet world. Following is the email from a Chinese University Professor;


您在欧美学术界取得了这样惊人的,可喜的,巨大的成绩和影响力, 我为您高兴, 很荣幸能分享到您的成功地喜悦. 更为我们中国人骄傲! 正是由于您的研究和努力, 我们中华民族的悠久文明得以在欧美传播, 多的人士才了解到我们祖辈的优秀文化对美国产生了如此深远的影响! 我做为中国人感谢您的研究和对我们我们自己的文化的传播! 我为您骄傲! 我下午有大三的美国文学课,我将把您的研究成果和您的学术成果,相关网站及您的影响
力介绍给我的学生们. 让他们不仅学到知识,也为中国人而骄傲! 再次恭贺您!

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