Saturday, February 29, 2020

579. Education About Asia: The US Founders and China

I have found that Dr. Dave Wang's academic articles have been adopted as teaching texts by some universities and colleges at home and abroad. Certain high schools have also used Dr. Wang's research papers as teaching materials. Below is the snapshot of the content page of Education About Asia, published by the Association for Asian Studies. Dr. Dave Wang's article is the first one in the group of articles about the United States' connection with Asia. Dr. Wang's research results have helped us to understand further the cultural origins of this nation in addition to European thoughts of the Enlightenment Age. With great insight, the founders made their great efforts to borrow all positive factors from other civilization, including Chinese civilization. This is one of the reasons that make the United States a great nation in the world.

Saturday, February 15, 2020

578. University of Zurich Collected Dr. Dave Wang's Research Paper

With this post I present my readers with three snapshots demonstrating that the influence of Dr. Dave Wang's study of Chinese cultural impact on the west and the United States in particular. According to its website, the aim of the Asia Orient Institute, founded in 2013, is to strengthen Asian research and teaching at the University of Zurich. By combining the five subjects of Indology, Islamic Studies, Japanese Studies, Sinology and Gender Studies in a common institute structure, Zurich's focus on Asia within and outside the university should become even more visible.

Saturday, February 1, 2020