Monday, August 23, 2021

607. "China and the Founding of the United States" Available in Romania

In addtion to countries in Western Europe, such as the United Kingdoms, Germany, France and Swissland, and countries in Northern Europe, including Danmark, Nertherlands and Sweden,and countries in Southen Europe, such as Italy, the book China and the Founding of the United States: The Influence of Traditional Chinese Civilization
can be preordered through local vendors in Romania, a great Eastern European country.

Saturday, August 14, 2021

605 Italian Book Sellers: "China and the Founding of the United States"

Eventually China and the Founding of the United States: The Influence of Traditional Chinese Civilization, entered Italian Book Market. This a kind of interesting. I still remebmer that many years ago I was invited to deliver a lecture in Rome. I talked about Benjamin Franklinb and Confucian moral philosophy. I was surpried at seeing so many professors, graduate and undergradate and students came to listen to my lecture. Roman civilzation is one of the sources of the modern Western civilization. Italian may rarely think that Eastern civilization has had any influence on the formation of the west civilization. They wanted to find out what I would make my case of the impact of Confucian ideas on the making of modern West civilization. Below is the snapshot of the Italian book seller, that promotes this book.