Wednesday, December 2, 2009

167. Dr. Wang’s Study of the Founding Fathers and China Has Reached Chinese Media

I have found that some media in Chinese have promoted Dr. Wang’s study of traditional Chinese culture and the early development of the United States. In the following I will introduce you some of them:

B. 侨报 CHINA PRESS : The widely read Chinese newspaper
C. 中国国家汉办 The Executive office of the Chinese Language Council International 国家汉办指出,王博士是研究中国文化对美国开国元勋的影响的专家,著作颇丰。王博士指出,美国开国元勋们在建国之初吸取了中国文明中很多积极的成分。比如,本杰明•富兰克林提倡用儒家思想培养个人修养和品行,乔治•华盛顿试着在自己的花园里种植中国花卉,托马斯•杰佛逊曾把中国的建筑设计同欧洲的建筑设计方式结合起来,从而创造出新的建筑模式。用王博士的话来说:“美国开国元勋们努力借鉴或学习中国哲学思想,这对于后来的美国政治家们影响很大,成了这个国家一笔宝贵的遗产。
Hanban is the executive body of the Chinese Language Council International, a non-governmental and non-profit organization affiliated to the Ministry of Education of China. Hanban is committed to making the Chinese language and culture teaching resources and services available to the world, to meeting the demands of overseas Chinese learners to the utmost, to contributing to the formation of a world of cultural diversity and harmony
D. 美国网络电视www.uswtv.com致力于建设最好的海外华人交流平台,
海外电视,美国电视,北美电视,华人电视。美国网络电视的宗旨是:利用网络平台传播中华文化,促进中美两国人民友谊,增进中国与世界各国人民之间的了解,支持祖国统一大业,为中华民族繁荣、美国网络电视以独家制作高端的时事专题节目和优秀的文化艺术专题节目来扩展全球华人在网络世界的影响力。为传播王博士的讲演,该网络电视向全球直播,王博士的讲演,中国文化与美国文化的形成海华论坛| 美国福建人在线, 香港明净出版社, 华美协社CHINA INSTITUTE, 浙江工业大也加入到 推动王博士的研究的队伍。Zhejiang university of technology

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