Sunday, March 26, 2017

489. The Early Development of the United States and Chinese Civilization

In 2008 when teaching in St. Johns University as an adjunct professor, Dr. Dave Wang made the exhibition on his research project, The Early Development of the United States and Chinese Civilization at the University faculty forum.

By 2008, Dr. Dave Wang has published some academic papers in the field at home and abroad, including “Benjamin Franklin and the Great Wall of China,” “Benjamin Franklin and Chinese Civilization,” and “Benjamin Franklin and China: A Survey of Benjamin Franklin’s Efforts at Drawing Positive Elements from Chinese Civilization during the Formative Age of the United States.” Dr. Dave Wang published his first research in 2006. It was two years only, however, his pioneering research has won him international repute. Several of his English papers have been translated into international languages such as Italian and Chinese. Dr. Wang was also invited to give lectures and speeches, in the titles, such as Benjamin Franklin and Confucius Moral Philosophy, and The Founding Fathers of the United States and Chinese Civilization in some other countries, including China, Italy and Portugal.

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