Thursday, July 1, 2021

600. "China and the Founding of the United States: Influence of Traditional Chinese Civilization"

Lextington Books, a famous publishing company in the world, has published specialized research essential to advancing scholarship and high-quality peer-reviewed monographs. It also publishes works that may not have a wide audience but make a significant contribution to scholarship in the humanities and social sciences. I am glad to report that it will publish Dr. Dave Wang's book, China and the Founding of the United States: Influence of Traditional Chinese Civilization in September 2021. In this book, Dr. Dave Wang discusses examples of how the U.S. Founding Fathers were influenced and inspired by Chinese agriculture, architecture, and philosophy. China, then one of the most stable and powerful civilizations in the world, offered unique perspectives on various aspects of society which were distinct from the Founding Fathers’ European heritage. China provided an alternative set of social and political frameworks which supported the Founding Fathers’ efforts to craft a unique heritage for their young nation. These Founders sought to establish a political identity that was distinct from European aristocratic traditions.

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