Tuesday, December 28, 2021

611. Libraries Own "China and the Founding of the United States" as of December 2021

2022 is just around the corner. With this post I would like to introduce to readers some universities that have collected China and the Founding of the United States: The Influence of Traditional Chinese Civilization. The include the following universities, University of Missouri-Kansas City, Auraria Library, University of Colorado Denver, University of Colorado Boudler, Colorado State Univerity, Morgan Library; West Virginia University at Parkersburg, Brigham Young University-Idaho, Daid O. McKay Library, North Carolina State University, American University, Library of Congress, Pennsylvania State University Libraries, University of Pennsylvania Biddle Law Library, University of Pennsylvania Libraries, Van Pelt Library, Columbia University in the City of New York, University of California, Sandiego, University of Alberta, Canada; University of British Columbia Library, Canada; Askews and Holts Library Service Ltd. United Kingdom; The British Library, St Pancras; United Kingdom, Universitatsbibilothek Marburg, Germany; Harvard University and The Chinese University of Hong Kong.

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